Supply Chain Management: A Boon To Economy Post-COVID

While COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc and brings almost every industry down to its knees, its adverse impact on the Supply Chain Management (SCM) is equally noticeable. The ongoing crisis has surely revealed the fragility of the modern supply chain. With businesses and organisations struggling to procure the basic products, panic-buying on the part of people, and services being conducted from home, multinational companies have experienced both the supply and demand shock. This has made the efficiency of Supply Chain Management vulnerable, leading to an incessant need for the latter to adapt and come out stronger and smarter. It is true that the rising costs and downsized capacity have shaken up the logistics market. The deteriorating economy indicates that things are not likely to get normal anytime soon. Even logistics with China has been affected to an unfathomable extent. The lockdown in China and its dominance in key areas have laid bare the problem with the modern supply ch...